Absolute Repti-vet Reptile Wormer + 20g

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What Does It Do?

Ab-Reptile Wormer+ will rapidly reduce gut parasite burden on newly imported and captive lizards and snakes. 

Parasites such as Roundworm, Hookworm & Pinworms. 

*20g Pack will treatment up to 5.6kg of Animal body weight 

How to dose! 

Lightly mist the food to be treated with water prior to medication to help adhere the wormer powder to the food. 

Dose: 1 level 0.5ml /0.3g, scoop provided, per 250g of body weight, lightly sprinkled over food daily. Repeat for three consecutive days. Dispose of unused medicated food after the three day period. 

Medicating Snakes 

Mix the required amount with a small amount of water apply it to the fur of the food item just before feeding.


Directions: Weigh, as accurately as possible, the total body weight of the Reptile intended to be treated. 

If treating more than one animal we 

recommend each animal be separated to enable more accurate treatment.

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