

Beautiful tricolour out of Rolo and Echo .

Both Rolo and Echo are from Leaping Cresties, Rolo was actually their breeder male that sired most of their tricolours until his son took over the breeding duties from him.

The ER babies all have Echos huge head and fantastic structure, these will be an asset to any tricolour project.

They are all handled regularly so reasonably calm for babies , this baby is currently showing no pores so possible female.

Older siblings are Toffee and Brulee on our breeders page.

Each baby comes with a birth certificate for lineage, 25g pouch of reptile supplies crested gecko diet and will leave in a black bottom braplast tub to limit stress during travel, we are even able to arrange courier for you of your gecko and your equipment.

Please message us before ordering so we can go through care requirements with you.

£130.00 £190.00
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