Rapashy Diet Banana cream pie 85g

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Repashy Gecko is the ultimate superfood for crested geckos and makes the perfect staple diet.

Repashy is the ultimate tropical taste for your exotic pet. Packed with tasty banana, strawberry and mango the food is like a thick fruity milkshake or smoothie for your gecko! It can also be used as a supplementary diet for skinks, anoles, chameleons and iguanas.


Mix one part Repashy with two parts water by volume, as a starting point. Remember it should have the consistency of milkshake. Feed geckos in the evening and remove within 36 hours.

Variants: Gecko MRP, Banana pie , Bluey Buffet

Let us know if your require a diet that is not listed , we are able to order the entire range in. 

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