Terms & Conditions

Find below our terms of sale for live animals as well as for our dry goods items! When purchasing from us you automatically agree to these terms!

Animal Sales:

1.Full payment must be made before any animals/equipment leaves us, this is non negotiable.

2.Tail drops do not effect lizards or impact on their health, therefore no refund/discount will be given as a result of tail drops both in our care or in transit. It is very common for lizards to drop their tail as a defence mechanisms during times of stress, they have evolved like this in order to evade predators and will continue to be healthy without a tail.

3. We give a health guarantee for 7 days providing the correct set up and husbandry have been provided, we give advice and can provide correct equipment , please ask for information.

Any health issues/concerns/dead on arrival must be reported within 12 hours of receiving your animal, this timeframe also applies to any equipment we obtain for you.

4. If you cancel an order for any given reason, you have the option to transfer your deposit within a 4 week period from the date of cancellation after 4 weeks tour deposit will be retained by us and no refund will be given.

5. A 25% non refundable deposit is required on all animals and goods before they or ordered or considered as reserved, we will not hold any animal or order any equipment without this.

6. Courier fees must be paid in full before an animal leaves us and you must ensure you are in to receive your animal on the day of delivery, our health/DOA guarantee will be null and void if this is not adhered to.

7. Payment plans are available on request for animals/equipment totalling over £100 over an 8 week period with a 25% non refundable deposit. After the 8 week period your order will be cancelled and any sums over the non refundable 25% deposit will be refunded unless we have agreed to a small extension at our discretion . If payments are missed on the agreed payment plan, they must be paid within 48 hours or your order will be considered cancelled and your deposit retained. If contact is lost and you do not respond to our messages/calls within 7 days, your order will be cancelled and your deposit retained.

8. You will have received this invoice before your deposit is paid, by paying your deposit you agree that you have read and agreed to our terms of sale.

9. All enclosures must be seen before any animal leaves, all must include uv lighting and be suitable for the species purchased, this is non negotiable and your deposit will be retained and the order cancelled if photos proving this are not sent to us before collection day.

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